I was chatting to another person from our studio, and we stumbled upon a conversation about age, and she said the most surprising thing when I told her I was 18. Most people assume I'm younger than 18 (I sometimes hear 15 or 16, and even heard 14 once not long ago...) I guess it comes with my lack of femininity. But when my studio buddy said I looked older than 18, I felt so surprised and happy. That was probably the first time in my life anyone's ever said that to me. It gives me bubbles of happiness.

Maybe I'm actually growing up and maturing in college!!!! It's so stupid to think about it now, but it's nice to know I'm maturing. I kind of got really sick of being called a kid and being mistaken as a 16 year old.
SOUL EATER the ANIME was aired this week. I could scream and jump around in joy!!! I've watched first episode at least 4 times now. (such a geek) It's still strange for me to get used to the voices, since they were so different from what I imagined. But I'm sure I'll get to like it sooner or later. The animation itself was amazing. The action scenes look like exactly like what I expected it to be, except better. There was this one part that really reminded me of Ouran, that particular shot where Maka's Dad gets struck by Maka's harsh words were exactly like how Tamaki was shocked by Haruhi's bluntness. I'm pretty sure the colour palette for that shot was almost identical to Ouran's. I guess it's not to unexpected, since BONES did both of them. And it's not like I don't like it, it gives Soul Eater a nice touch!
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