Katekyou Hitman Reborn! chapters 183 & 184:
I think I just died and went to heaven. Seme!Tsuna is too cool for words. Seriously, how on earth does Amano Akira manage to draw normal Tsuna so uke and break-point Tsuna so seme???
And I'm having repercussions after watching the first episode of the TYL Future arc of the anime. I don't dare watch the next episodes because I'm afraid of die of excitement and the withdrawal symptoms that would follow until the next week. I have decided to wait until a good 10 or 20 episodes are out until I start watching again.
That aside.
Went to the Anime Club Office today after getting lunch, and joined in on the gaming. I'm not much of a gamer, so I'm basically always the first to die in Smash Bros. But it's actually quite interesting to watch other better people play for ages and ages. XD
So I basically did nothing productive today, but it's the least I could do to make up for the easter holiday that I don't have.
You mean Super Smash Bros Brawl? It's pretty much eaten Jackson's soul since he got it a few days ago.
UM. i just discovered your blog? *grins* but anyways. IT'S THE EYES. TSUNA'S EYES I TELL YOU.
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