I still remember when I first started watching the first episode, it was late afternoon and I had been plugged in with a headphone, and gravely regretted doing it. I'm not quite sure if I should compliment I.G. Productions for the unnervingly scary sound effects they use. I had to stop and take out my headphones 2 minutes into the episode. (but then again, I'm pretty much an easily scared person.)
The three main characters are all so lovable; Taro (SHOTA, this character reeks of SHOTA), Masayuki (his deviousness makes his smirks so amazing.) and Makoto (your typical badass character who has the bad family and dark past, but you gotta admit that he's pretty ahead of his age for a middle schooler.)
Episode 16 & 17 was just as good as the past episodes, and I come to share some fangirling. =D

Makoto cries manly tears!!! ='(
And here we see how Taro eats sushi in a very Taro fashion:

1. *Stuff*

2. Covers mouth like a good mannered son of the head family like he is.

3. And then proceeds to talk with his mouth full. XD

The Snark is Ishida Naoto Kaebara!!!

I have no idea why I find this expression amazingly cute.

Michio blushing like a school girl.

Aww! Miyako! It's ok! Don't cry!!!
(this scene makes me want to cry too...)
That aside, our doujinshi circle are having another art meet this weekend. I'm completely ready for 48 straight hours of drawing!!! I haven't exactly been meeting my own deadlines for the doujinshi, screen toning is just at around 50%, and to add to that I need to draw some designs for the pins we'll be selling and a little piece for part of the front cover of our doujin. So much to do...